2Friends 4Fans
male Semarang, Indonesia
friendly...jackass...hahah...but i'm smart
15 years ago
Quick meals dulu aneka pecel bu mirah>>bawal goreng+sambal kecap. Btw, anybody here just tweet me, I could use some company. :-&
15 years ago
15 years ago
Just woke up and I'm still having this violent headache from last morning. Arrrrgh. Decided to take a sick day, and rest in home. :-&
15 years ago
Hape gw doyan banget jatuh bangun.. Heran.. Apa tangan gue yg doyan banget ngejatuhin barang2?? Hehe.. (woot)
15 years ago
Good morning, dearest strangers. Now, lets make some noise today....sial bgt gw hari ni dr maren...:-&
lookielook thinks
15 years ago
ihh...mpok nori odelia manuk...mendadak ngartis...It tells a lot about em, I tell ya... :-&
lookielook gives
15 years ago
Hahahaah. Thanks for replying, people. It's actually fun to involve someone in yet another weird daydreaming session of mine. (woot)
lookielook loves
15 years ago
yahhh,,,kebakaran jenggot...hemmmh...panggilin fireman... X-(
lookielook thinks
15 years ago
Playing sims. This helps me recover from my pointless griefing. ...Dr td bikin karakter sims, mukanya malah pada mirip manohara... :-&