22Friends 5Fans
female Qatar
love manga
love to draw
love to play musical instruments
love sports
like to make friends
love to smile
Ms.St0ryT3ll3r says
15 years ago 4
gudnyt plurkers (wave)
Ms.St0ryT3ll3r says
15 years ago 1
yey karma doooooowwwwwnn (annoyed)
Ms.St0ryT3ll3r says
15 years ago 2
kelan b ung vaccine aku'y n tetense (sick) (sick)
Ms.St0ryT3ll3r says
15 years ago 5
karma do0o0o0o0o0o0wn (tears) (tears)
Ms.St0ryT3ll3r is
15 years ago
You’re like my dandruff, I cant get you out of my head.
Ms.St0ryT3ll3r is
15 years ago 1
s0o0o0o0o0o t1r3d.... (annoyed) yey f0und@t10n d@y (annoyed)
Ms.St0ryT3ll3r says
15 years ago
If you were a booger, I’d pick you first. (LOL)
Ms.St0ryT3ll3r says
15 years ago
Are you an alarm clock? You managed to wake up my sleeping heart.
Ms.St0ryT3ll3r says
15 years ago
Are you a pokemon? Because I CHOOSE YOU!
Ms.St0ryT3ll3r says
15 years ago
I feel like Indiana Jones, because you are the treasure I am looking for.