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9 years ago
爛醉如[泥] says
12 years ago
我在 台北桃園機場停機坪 :第二杯。訣竅是,Gin得濃些,山楂會沉。The secret: heavy Gin, crab apple will sink to the bottom, anyway.
爛醉如[泥] says
12 years ago
我在 台灣桃園國際機場(第二航廈) :充滿冒險精神的山楂加Gin。Byebye 3G network and Facebook.
爛醉如[泥] says
12 years ago
我在 市民大道-2K :The area is all about...
爛醉如[泥] says
12 years ago
我在 金孔雀緬式小吃 : I guess, it's typical me to take a long taxi drive for this Burma curry.
爛醉如[泥] says
12 years ago
我在 西門町商圈 :小綿羊們。Counting sheeps.
爛醉如[泥] says
12 years ago
我在 九久日本料理 :Another 99.
爛醉如[泥] says
12 years ago
我在 尚街LOFT :packing, finally.
爛醉如[泥] says
12 years ago
我在 尚街LOFT :糟
爛醉如[泥] says
12 years ago