28Friends 79Fans
female Calgary, AB, Canada
property of lee jinki and co-owned by jay park and kim jonghyun. all rights reserved | giving you twaddling rants since 1996. show her some love and she'll share her awesomeness ;-)
13 years ago
gonna delete my tumblr, people talkin trash about me. freak them. (angry)
nee-swag says
13 years ago
I can rap tara's songs, idek ~
13 years ago
weather forecast for today: +3 (yay) been a while since I last saw sunshine.
13 years ago
not yet done final fantasy xiii and I'm already crying (fuu)
nee-swag says
13 years ago
family is eating kfc chickens w/out me (fuu)
13 years ago 1
I love ALL of their songs, like seriously. 4Minute - FIRST M/V
13 years ago
just watched adamcouple's final ep. gawd, they were the best couple ever..
nee-swag says
13 years ago
my mom thinks I watch porn, the way I smile seems like I'm watching porn. (bah)
13 years ago
I can dance mirotic. I never knew that (rock)