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female Singapore
lim1000 feels
13 years ago
feels so depressed for scoring 84/100 for math
lim1000 hopes
13 years ago
seah will return the math paper pt 2 2morrow, anxious 2 know marks, but also very worried
13 years ago
watchin' TV, passing time
13 years ago
worries for celebs for them having to worry about getting a bullet in their head.
lim1000 feels
13 years ago
pity towards celebs for their loss of privacy, and a bunch of other human rights
lim1000 feels
13 years ago
jealous of celebs of their luck
lim1000 shares
13 years ago
OMG! I got 33/40 for math pt1 (argh! loss 7 marks) :-(
lim1000 shares
13 years ago
i got 42/50 for chinese oral!!!! :-)
13 years ago
it's the last day of the PSLE marking day holidays :-( going back to school 2morrow
lim1000 wants
13 years ago
the Takara Tomy XIAO digital instant camera