i'm y0_fish.
5Friends 0Fans
male Matou, Taiwan
i'm y0_fish.
13 years ago 2
geektu 今天下雨還要去看電影嗎? how about i rain check you this weekend?
i'm y0_fish.
14 years ago
i'm y0_fish.
15 years ago
D-Link = Don't Link X-(
i'm y0_fish.
15 years ago
"It all starts with the eyes. She's got to have those kind of eyes that can look right through the bullshit, to the good in someone."
i'm y0_fish.
15 years ago
A: How are you? B: I'm fine, thank you! And you? A: I'm fine too, thanks for asking. And you? (很充實的一段對話,每天都會發生喔!)
i'm y0_fish.
15 years ago
我被邀請加入League of Legends封測了! 耶~~
i'm y0_fish.
15 years ago 2
geektu 怪獸聲明明就可以用,剛剛就拿來嚇我朋友了
i'm y0_fish.
15 years ago
Pachelbel Rant Rob Paravonian - Pachelbel Rant (巴海貝爾天殺的卡農)
i'm y0_fish.
15 years ago
ASUS Xonar DS入手!