Never get cocky when you're winning a game of Uno. THat's always when you start to lose.
A clean(er) apartment, grocery list and meal plan done, prescriptions ready for refills and purty painted toesies =) Good productive hour.
So it's all set, cello rental for $40/mo., saving for my own cello, and lessons every two weeks on Saturdays!
Did some power yoga a few minutes ago, I feel so... zen right now.
Started a new novella tonight. It's working title is Brooklyn Wyatt.
PS Anyone listen to Ryann Donnelly's new stuff? It's pretty neato. Hoping to blow my first paycheck on a membership.
Anyone wanna lend me like $75 so I can see the primiere of The Dark? I'll pay you back the next day!
Hooray for a Dresden Dolls reunion, too bad the closest they get to here is Texas.
Now reading The Satryicon by Petronius. It's really fucked up.
Did some karaoke tonight... Mr. Big's To Be With You. That's right.