初押00 Karma: 15.16
not stating / other
- Crack, Castle of glass
北風 Karma: 7.87
not stating / other
- Nightmare, Bottom of endless dream
西西◎委託聯絡用 Karma: 4.90
not stating / other
- Taiwan
璃離 Karma: 23.17
not stating / other
- Taiwan
冰茶 Karma: 50.86
not stating / other
- Taiwan
定居泰赫圖殷♦歐 Karma: 61.60
- 堤爾克那, 愛爾琳
海! Karma: 22.74
not stating / other
- Taiwan
低浮沙 Karma: 57.18
not stating / other
samsteed Karma: 42.04
not stating / other
- United States