9Friends 26Fans
Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Gothic horror game on Dreamwidth.

Mod account
OOC comm
5 years ago
Our first HMD is live! If you have any ideas for the game and how we can improve it, please take this as an opportunity!
5 years ago
Come and join the party at Lethe Hall!
5 years ago
An invitation to a party! OOC post for a game-wide plot running next week.
5 years ago 2
The calendar has been updated to reflect the first couple of months of actual gameplay. This is as good a time as any to remind you that you can suggest your own plots at any point!
5 years ago 3
It begins! NPC and setting-specific toplevels will be up shortly, watch this space.
5 years ago 3
A day late, but here it is: the official OOC mingle post! For plotting, friending, and generally getting hype!
5 years ago 5
This is a slightly shamefaced announcement. The OOC mingle post was supposed to go up today, along with reprocessing reserves; unfortunately, I've been very unwell all day and I don't really have the energy to do... anything. OOC mingle will be posted tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
5 years ago 2
A reminder: All the currently-processed reserves are due to expire tomorrow. If you put in a reserve and haven't applied yet, consider this your heads-up!
5 years ago 16
Can you believe it's only a week until game open? I can't. I cannot believe that.
5 years ago 2
So we had a small technical glitch (otherwise known as "the mod forgot one of the things on their to-do list") and apparently you may have been struggling to access the contacts page after joining comms. Thanks to lookashiny for bringing my attention to that - it should be fixed now!