swooping is bad
4Friends 0Fans
United Kingdom

check out my strawpage spiritedmagus's strawpage
i like ff (7/10/12/14/15/16), kh, twewy, fallout, forgotten realms, zero escape/aitsf, nier, persona, splatoon and more :-D
ask me about anthy himemiya
swooping is bad
14 hours ago 3
Merry Christmas! Here's everything I got! I also got three games on steam from friends :3c https://images.plurk.com/36C47lkrNwS122UtaeFOEe.jpg
[woff] booted up this game for the first time despite having owned it and having it installed on my ps5 for years because everyone else is asleep. this game is very cute so far.
swooping is bad
3 days ago 3
i'm doing the omicrons and omg. so cute.
[sonic] so I'm watching the movie for the first time and here is my live reaction to Stobotnik https://images.plurk.com/5p1Kdylvq8S51Jc1epCmUj.jpg
swooping is bad
1 weeks ago
hi guys i didn't die i'm just so busy with college lol
swooping is bad
3 weeks ago 5
swooping is bad
4 weeks ago
So very tempted to make yet another blog for Cole Dragon Age. I love him. But I also don't want to become too DA-pilled.
swooping is bad
4 weeks ago
[dragon age] I'm so DA pilled that I want to write fanfic... but I'm not done with inquisition yet...
swooping is bad
1 months ago
any bunny wanna discuss 7.1 MSQ with me because that ending is driving me nuts