47Friends 0Fans
Seattle, WA, United States
leoodles wonders
6 years ago
Where are cool places to hang out in SL, SFW and NSFW? I am thinking about going on a virtual adventure, but I am not sure where to start!
leoodles wonders
6 years ago 9
What do people feel about this whole thing recently over backdrop city? As bloggers or creators, do you feel like such a sim is a good tool, or a bad place that takes advantage of other's hard work? I am genuinely curious about this.
leoodles hates
6 years ago
Roses are red, violets are blue, don't order questionable taco-truck mexican food because you will vomit out your whole effing soul.
6 years ago
Christmas was pretty awesome. Happy new years everyone. I hope you're all doing very well <3
6 years ago
Merry Christmas Eve everyone. I hope it's filled with people you love, and very much joy.
6 years ago
So looking forwards to Christmas. Got my little sister a bunch of cool shit. It's going to be an awesome holiday. Happy holidays, everyone!
6 years ago
I have been playing ESO for like 7 days straight and I am starting to lose track of time. Send help >.>
leoodles likes
6 years ago 2
STARWARS! Saw it tonight, and I laughed a lot. It was actually a pretty entertaining movie. I'm not going to say it's perfect, or spoil it, but it was well worth seeing.
6 years ago
People I know that are outside of the US are being pretty uncaring about the FCC's deregulation of American internet. But if things start getting throttled that will include games that's server's are hosted in the US. Like Second Life. This can impact people outside of the US.
leoodles hates
6 years ago 1
Ugh. Still more age old drama going on in this new RP sim. I'm really trying not to call anyone out, but seriously. Stop dragging other people into it because they want to just keep themselves neutral and not get involved. Tossing away friends isn't winning anyone to your side, you butt.