Darlyn Dawn ﭢ
11Friends 37Fans
female Dona Asuncion,Davao, Philippines
` Love me? Great. Hate me? Even better. Think I'm ugly? Don't look at me. Don't know me? Don't judge me. Think you know me? You have no idea.HAHAHAHAHA!!

Darlyn Dawn ﭢ
9 years ago
I don’t have time to hate people who hate me, because I’m too busy loving people who love me <3
Darlyn Dawn ﭢ
9 years ago
Be nice to everyone, always smile and appreciate things because it could all be gone tomorrow ;-)
Darlyn Dawn ﭢ
9 years ago
Just eat because true love weights :-)
Darlyn Dawn ﭢ ipinamamahagi
10 years ago
Darlyn Dawn ﭢ
10 years ago
A relationship is not based on the time you've spent together, but the foundation you've built together.
Darlyn Dawn ﭢ
10 years ago
If your girlfriend catches you looking at another woman, turn to her and say “I’m glad you don’t dress like that :-)
Darlyn Dawn ﭢ
10 years ago
I'm amazed when I look at you. Not just because of your looks, but because of the fact that everything that I've ever wanted is right in front of me.
Darlyn Dawn ﭢ
10 years ago
Karma down!
Darlyn Dawn ﭢ
10 years ago
kay zero karma! back to basic ta X-(
Darlyn Dawn ﭢ
10 years ago