1Friends 8Fans
male Arvada, CO, United States
lcarsos has
15 years ago
ditched Windows XP, the laptop has migrated to Ubuntu.
lcarsos says
15 years ago
ha ha, back down to 0 karma, that's fun.
lcarsos says
16 years ago
Reformatting my hard drive today, starting off with a clean install for the new school year. SURPRISE! It's a big hassle.
lcarsos says
16 years ago
oopsies, look at that, I left my phone off all day long. I almost wondered where the GSM jitter went from my speakers today, they were quiet
lcarsos says
16 years ago
Plurk dumped all my karma, and you know what. Sucks to be plurk, I'm done with your little games. I'll post when I feel like it. :-(
16 years ago
the world is conspiring against me today, today is also a low blood sugar average day. I feel like punching somebody square intwixt the eyes
16 years ago
darn, I almost got to Security Now before the live stream of MBW. Well, maybe I'll skip it and wait for the podcast. There you go!
16 years ago
I has more karma than before? Yay! Wait, Plurks evil plot to make me spend more time on their site is winning darn. I better leave, I can't!
lcarsos wants
16 years ago 1
to close Twitter down for Plurk, but Twitter is where the crowd is. I'm sure Plurk has rigged the Karma system to drop me to 0
lcarsos has
16 years ago
noticed that there is a live clock, how strange.