25Friends 3Fans
female tangerang selatan, Indonesia
121011 i'm part of ICC All Star and fans of JCS
laylitaf says
12 years ago
kamis ke bali yeay
laylitaf says
12 years ago
hari senin ke pontianak
laylitaf says
12 years ago
laylitaf says
12 years ago
laylitaf says
12 years ago
laylitaf says
12 years ago
laylitaf says
12 years ago
I love having friends who can me laugh, who I can be completely weird with, who I can hang out with, who can make me have fun together.
laylitaf says
12 years ago
I was born to make mistakes and learn from it to be a better person, not to fake being perfect.
laylitaf says
12 years ago
Dear GOD, I need your blessing every day in my life.
laylitaf says
12 years ago
The first thing I think when I wake up is "I wanna sleep again."