1Friends 2Fans
female Charlottesville, VA, United States
College student/Professional procrastinator

Don't go changing just to try and please someone
Wildflowers best stay wild
laurenh is
16 years ago
home in Lynchburg for the night
16 years ago
can't believe I've been away this long! So sorry!
laurenh is
16 years ago
such a fan of Pandora Radio :-D
laurenh is
16 years ago
shopping for a new digital camera
laurenh is
16 years ago
not enjoying this hangover. Hoping dinner will help!
16 years ago
faceplanted in a bar last night. Classy.
laurenh is
16 years ago
packing and getting ready for the road trip tomorrow!
laurenh is
16 years ago
excited for tomorrow's road trip!
laurenh is
16 years ago
it feels like a good first day of class.
laurenh is
16 years ago
making some cd's for a friend