148Friends 37Fans
female Camrose, Great Britain (UK)
wife and mother. I love knitting and spinning ,
and other crafts.
I have two dog a bird and a African snail.
i love to read, cook, and garden,
also im on Ravelry as lauramag..
lauramag says
11 years ago
2 in the morning and I'm sitting up knitting ,
lauramag says
11 years ago 6
Hubby gone away for weekend, so I can knit or spin all weekend :-) :-)
lauramag says
11 years ago 6
Had letter back about eye scan, I have diabetic retinopathy in my right eye,it is only the start so hope to stop it,
lauramag says
11 years ago 3
In Cardiff having dinner with hubby :-)
lauramag wants
11 years ago 6
To play with my grandson, walk the dogs , read a book , do my garden, watch TV, look out the window, any thing but KNIT :-( I have lost my mojo WHY :-(
lauramag says
11 years ago 15
Very good morning all .. I have lost 6lb this week :-) :-)
lauramag says
11 years ago 12
Morning all :-) up at 6.30 got jobs done ,now I have all day to knit or spin , and the sun is out :-) :-)
lauramag says
11 years ago
My son is getting me dinner, with his own money, think he may of stayed in the sun too long lol :-)
lauramag says
11 years ago 4
Just got this, it called, I wanted to be a super hero.
lauramag says
11 years ago 2
Yay got yarn on its way from knitters nightmare (Sadie) :-)