Rebecca L-S
151Friends 446Fans
female Perth, Australia
Science Fiction and Fantasy Novelist.

Now also delving into the strange wonder and mystery of short story, poetry, and screenwriting.
Rebecca L-S says
10 years ago 9
grimaces Used too many spoons for Write Night yesterday; having a bad anxiety day today. Anxiety + writing = bad. I need 3K per day to get my NaNo 50K so I can't afford to take the day off and not write!
Rebecca L-S says
10 years ago
Got to do prep for our local #NaNoWriMo Write Night (Wed 26th) today. It should be a fantastic night but I've got so much to get done to prepare for it!
Rebecca L-S says
10 years ago 5
Little buzz of the day, email from a reader: "OMG! I love your book!!! It's amazing, I can't wait for the next one so hurry up and finish :-) ...
Rebecca L-S says
10 years ago
Need to get my brain into gear and get some writing happening. It's almost 9pm and I haven't even started yet today! Shooting for 3K words.
Rebecca L-S says
10 years ago 1
:-D My son is laughing in his sleep. beams at the cuteness of it all I wonder what he's dreaming about. :-)
Rebecca L-S says
10 years ago 8
Writing prequel; not sure the characters in bk 1 remember what just happened in bk 2. Opps! #continuityissues #firstdraft #amwriting
Rebecca L-S says
10 years ago
I LOVE seeing the blue bar on my WIP list at The Craft of Writing Fiction | Character Development and the Powe... filling up. :-) I'm behind on words for NaNoWriMo but seeing the manuscript progressing is really inspiring!
Rebecca L-S says
10 years ago 1
nervous flutter I just confirmed for a radio interview/conversation 3pm Sunday on HeritageFM 107.3 I have to admit I'm not a radio listener so am not too sure what to expect but am hoping to have fun. :-)
Rebecca L-S is
10 years ago
grimaces Having sleep issues tonight. 3am and the zzzs are still elusive.
Rebecca L-S says
10 years ago 4
frowns Seems like emails to some of my domain names are disappearing into the ether of the internet. :-( Not sure why, they're supposed to catchall to my default gmail account... but they don't.