Rebecca L-S says
9 years ago
Little buzz of the day, email from a reader: "OMG! I love your book!!! It's amazing, I can't wait for the next one so hurry up and finish :-) ...
Rebecca L-S says
9 years ago
I totally didn't see [Massive spoiler]... Which I really should have and I totally didn't see that [more spoilers]. So good!!!"
Rebecca L-S says
9 years ago
chuckles It's a fantastic sign when the big twisty reveals work exactly as they're supposed to. :-) LOVE hearing feedback from readers. Totally makes my day and gives energy to get through this new draft.
9 years ago
Wow, that's awesome!!! :-) Though I'm not surprised...I'm sure your book is amazing. :-)
Rebecca L-S says
9 years ago
Thanks sweet2685 :-) I'm pretty proud of it.
9 years ago
When my business was active, I always loved when positive people took time out of their days to send messages like that. Made it all worth it. :-)