13Friends 4Fans
female Alabang, Muntinlupa, Philippines
ladyvostro needs
15 years ago
to rest for a while :: kaka-exercise lang.. I must been some calories!! tsktsk X-(
ladyvostro is
15 years ago
happy :: Kakapaligo ko lang kay Baby Yuki (woot) she smells great... *hughug*
ladyvostro feels
15 years ago
uneasy... I just had a a very bad dream.. Too may tornadoes destroying the whole earth!!! :-(
ladyvostro wants
15 years ago
to watch the fireworks competition!!!
ladyvostro is
15 years ago
now using Flock as her default web browser. :-)
ladyvostro is
15 years ago
so tired & hungry. :'-( I just finished cleaning & re-arranging the whole unit!
ladyvostro says
15 years ago
"It's Friday the 13th today..."
ladyvostro is
15 years ago
taking Solmux again :-(...
ladyvostro has
15 years ago
a SHORT HAIR now!!! :-D
ladyvostro says
15 years ago
Equilibrium in this world always prevails.... *hay*