雪也 Feat. L.D.
21Friends 1Fans
female Hong Kong
#My Bucket List#

Visit the Himalayas before the end of my life.

I must achieve this goal until I get into the grave.
雪也 Feat. L.D.
11 years ago 2
雪也 Feat. L.D.
11 years ago 4
雪也 Feat. L.D.
11 years ago 18
#私噗# Feelings, sometimes just a thing. Has nothing to do with any person. Love or do not love, can only end their.
雪也 Feat. L.D.
11 years ago
雪也 Feat. L.D.
11 years ago 7
#世上最遙遠的距離# 你告訴我南派三叔封筆了,但我卻沒看過盜墓筆記。
雪也 Feat. L.D.
12 years ago 4
雪也 Feat. L.D. 分享
12 years ago 5
哥哥,這到底是哪個皇帝啊? https://images.plurk.com/43CRCJB5FEVzuVHeCw1Te5.jpg
雪也 Feat. L.D.
12 years ago 1
雪也 Feat. L.D.
12 years ago 8
雪也 Feat. L.D.
12 years ago