All right, if I can get my weight down to 140, then I shall attempt Boueibu cosplay!
Waaaah! Mowg has a mickey somewhere in my room! Was behind the dresser, but it managed to dodge the trap and get out.
Five weeks until puppy time!
Six more weeks until puppy time!
Lovely storm out there right now! The clouds have been promising this all day!
Waiting on crazy neighbor lady to stop enjoying this beautiful day so I can get my book from the car without engaging in conversation.
Can it be Spring Break now please?
Mowgli is in "jail" while I clean. No particular reason why! He was on me, so I set him in there.
Step three: Wait impatiently until the day I get to bring the puppy home!
Step two: Move cat bowls and scratchers to the bedroom to redefine bedroom as their safe place.