28Friends 24Fans
male Taichung, Taiwan

You should be ready to solve any problem that may come along.
Hopefully, paper writing could com along well.
14 years ago
先把內容再看一次吧... 論文~~~ (unsure)
14 years ago 1
突然變得好焦慮~好煩喔~ 難道是論文?
奶茶達人 分享
14 years ago
The president's body has been brought back from Russia and is due to lie in state later today.總統的遺體已從俄羅斯運回,並在今天稍後供人瞻仰。 外電消息(波蘭飛機失事)
奶茶達人 分享
14 years ago 3
今天看到外電一則新聞"tuition refund"or"money-back guarantee",一所在密西根的Lansing Community 大學表示,
奶茶達人 分享
14 years ago 1
$16.4 million dollar is just a drop in the bucket for Toyota. Because of the "sticky pedal" problem,Toyota has recalled millions of vehicle.
奶茶達人 分享
14 years ago 1
Sometimes life is just like a long distance running, marathon (26miles). Try to break it down into bite-sized pieces,which would be easier!
奶茶達人 分享
14 years ago
The 24-7 restaurant is becoming increasingly pervasive throughout Taiwan.
奶茶達人 分享
14 years ago 1
College students are tend to be oblivious of the situation on class, and they're a disengaged generation whose attention is constantly
奶茶達人 分享
14 years ago 1
Nowadays,instrutors blame the high schools for lowering the bar on classroom conduct,which may lead to bad manners.