8Friends 6Fans
female Greenfield, MO, United States
weird, chubby and slighty nutty mom of a 8 yr old boy and a 6 yr old girl! happily married to a loveable geek. loves bodyart, video games, crafts and cooking.

i love to embroider, doodle, and sew, i am definitely a novice at all of it though.
Kythrah says
11 years ago
my hubby and son are both sick. hubs w/bronchitis too. so tired, wish i could nap. no me time in a week now, yes that is selfish but i am so introverted that even a couple days without alone time is hard :-(
Kythrah says
11 years ago
glad my truck is fixed, looking forward to having it back tomorrow. ergh.
Kythrah has
11 years ago
a cold and it is making her feel grumpy and lazy. bleeehhhh
Kythrah feels
11 years ago
rather sleepy still, so heads back to bed for a bit more now that kids and hubs are gone for the day :-P
Kythrah feels
11 years ago
good to have gotten the tax stuff outta the way for this year already. now to wait for the government to do their part, hah!
Kythrah is
11 years ago 1
excited to have rediscovered this site!
Kythrah is
16 years ago
so excited about President Obama!!!! trying to not wake her kids up giggling and screaming!! (dance) (dance) (dance) (dance)
Kythrah is
16 years ago
just not in a plurking mindset lately :-(
Kythrah is
16 years ago
so busy with stuff lately! not enough time and energy to plurk :-(
Kythrah is
16 years ago 2
super happy, today was her son's fourth birthday!!!!