A great 5 mi run this am. No XC meet this weekend so that means house work, football, and a 1.5 mi run with my kids later on. Great day!
24:02 in the Cheetah Run. Last mile was an uphill killer. A beautiful morning for a run though.
A solid track workout this morning. 6x400, 4x200. A great morning but it will be a hot day.
First cross country meet of the season tomorrow! Sending 41 kids grades K-6 to the start line. Good luck to all of my Jaguars.
Perfect morning for a 4 mile run. Bottle this morning up and sell it. It is fantastic outside!
Great bike ride tonight! 28 miles down through Rabbit Hash and back. It turn out my bicycle was one of the best investments ever made!
A great ride through the hills of Richfield, OH this morning with my Uncle Roger. It was a gorgeous morning ride.
A beautiful morning for 5 miles! Can't wait to be back outside w/ the cross country kids tonight. 43 kids grades K-6. They are awesome!
Great early morning 30 mile bike ride through Boone County. Man it's hilly here. Now to spend the day w/ Laura and the kids!
Good speed work this am...5x400, 4x200, 4x100. Still very humid out though!