53Friends 103Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
workaholic geeky mom, loves to take pictures, photoshops, reads comics, hates vegetables, watches a lot of stuff.
timeline image - "Kabuki" by Alex Maleev
kwannon says
13 years ago
Who needs the starters out there? Our Bench Mob can take care of the game! #GoBulls
kwannon says
13 years ago
Heard at a weekend party - Tito Marlon (after losing a game to Ben): Man, i've had one too many beers! Ben: I've had one too many crackers!
kwannon says
13 years ago
I love me some Conan, esp with a splash of Will Ferrell. Excali-beard, do your work! #Beardpocalypse
kwannon says
13 years ago
Ohh, since the save was already used last week, this week's AI could be even more shocking w/ 2 out! I can't believe who's in the bottom 3.
kwannon says
14 years ago
It's a little after 4:30am. Time for me to stop working and get some shuteye before my early morning meeting!
kwannon says
14 years ago 1
Didn't realize that being a volunteer helper in Ben's class today meant reading a book to them. Luckily, I know how to read.
kwannon says
14 years ago
I admit it...I'm already hooked on this season of American Idol. There's a lot of talent and JLo and Steven Tyler are great judges!
kwannon says
14 years ago
Lots to do before I leave for CT tomorrow - #1 on the list, hug the kiddies a lot!
kwannon says
14 years ago 1
Ben is going to his first bowling party, which is great since he wants to be a bowler when he grows up!
kwannon says
14 years ago
Anyone catch Christina almost fall after singing at the Grammys? Girl just can't get a break! I'm sure it'll hit the internets tomorrow.