0Friends 11Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Snowing so hard in NYC that I can barely see the buildings 1 avenue over. Commute from the train is gonna be a b!+ch!
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Yay! Ubuntu (8.10) works out of the box for tethering to my WM 6.1 phone! USB only for now, but who cares?
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Freakin' Facebook photo uploader! I've tried 4 different ways to do this, and none of them work
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
can't wait until work is over. i've been in a major funk all day...
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Ominous clouds over Jersey. Maybe some wet snow? 37F won't really stick..
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Feeling in the dumps. Weather sucks in NYC. Surly conductor on the train. The world is conspiring against me :-(
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
That was Kinesis. Stoopid typos...
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Did Kenesis at the gym this morn. Holy crap that is much harder than it looks!
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago
Thank you American Public! My faith in you has been restored. I'm at work with my 'O' face...
kurtgreiner says
16 years ago 1
Remember folks: Vote early, vote often!