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female Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
Get off my lawn.
12 years ago
Man, now that I have Friday at Katsucon, what should I even bring? I have a lolsekret costume I'm working on but... hm... anyone bringing something special with them for Friday wear?
12 years ago 67
Sup Griffie and Lunahoshino : Got confirmation from the bossman, finally - I will be able to take Friday of Katsucon off so I'll be there Thursday night, ETA 9:30pm. Is that ok with you guys?
12 years ago 1
Some people need to stop. No one cares that you are supposedly a professional costume designer/tailor or have read a few psychology books and are now a licensed practitioner. You = lying sack of crap.
12 years ago
Hm, how to be productive today - perhaps I will combine wigs and make a tutorial while I am at it. I'm kind of sick of handling the velvet fabric for a while.
12 years ago
Hm be productive today or nap. This is a tough call. I think my plan goes something like this: sushi, buy supplies at Lowes, figure out how to add trim to velvet, fffff, eat dinner, sew some more.
12 years ago 1
Hm, now that it's 2013, I should use my Graces promo code things before they expire... yeaaaaaa
12 years ago 4
It's so fricken cold outside - but I've got won ton soup. I haven't had this in years and it tastes HEAVENLY!
12 years ago 1
Hm... 1:15am, must get up for work at 6:00am. Go to bed now or derp around online more. Tough call.
12 years ago 13
Why must it be -10℉ outside? I was hoping this winter would be kind like last winter but we've already gotten 8x more snow than last year, legit. Eeee.