You can still work a full day and get there with time to spare.
haaaaaaaa will you all text me hello
Sure, cool with me! I'll probably get over there earlier and just chill with Taisa.
How cold is it normally during Katsu?
i kinda want to bring up Leia with hopefully the right wig haha
last year ti was frigid and sunny
Yea, you never know. 2011 it was 70 on one day then 40 the next. So... pack a variety?
Now that I know Friday is in the bag, I'm going to bring Alvin.
Leia's the only one that doesn't have much covering, everyone else I'm thinking of bringing have coats and jackets
Eh, it's really not even that bad. The Gaylord is so fricken huge you really don't HAVE to go outside much and you're welcome to stash a coat or whatevs you but in our room
I'm pretty sure Luna, Griffypantsu, and Annie won't mind either.
Villypants, I will miss you terribly at this con, but I know you will be at the kawaiiest of the kawaii mini-cousin birthday parties ever. So I know you will be having a good time too.
Also roomies, do we wish to hold a small swanky wine and cheese party? You know nothing is more entertaining than a tipsy Griff. LOL

Can non-roomies come?
All party people are welcome as long as I don't have to be their mom
Of course you're welcome.
Plus the lobby bar is pretty swank.
I'm capable of knowing my liquer level XDD; but I normally only get one drink and I'm good
and because it's probably gonna be expensive DX
Yea. They're typical "city" pricing like $8-12ish each
So, if you want anythign in particular let me or Luna know, we can get it so you don't have to fly with it or buy it at con and let your wallet be raped.

well my drink preference are simply, Midori sour, Coke with Vodka, and...something with orange juice lmfao
You would probably like Midoritas
Midori margaritas, frigging delicious
oh, i forgot Long Island Ice Teas and Appletinis
if anything changes (HA. and again HA) the first thing i will do is get in my car and motor it over there sigh
LOL like a badass that you are.
I don't have anything planned for Thursday so I should be able to come up then too
Okie dokie. We can get checked in, do badge pickup and gorge ourselves on Graces Mandarin, if you guys are game
I don't have a choice but to get it Friday |D
That's because you're too cool to walk amongst regular attendees, what with your badass media passes LOL
same goes for Luna then too XDD
You both got special passes or what? Did you not pre-reg Luna?
I made a plurk asking if there was anyone who didn't have passes yet and would like to get a media pass
the catch is that they just have to help me with shoots and video like maybe 3 hours out of the con time each day XD
Which I am totally down with. XD
lol yea, Luna got one, and someone else got the second one. We still have to pay the pre-reg price, but 45 sounds better than 70
I kinda wished they had mentioned that we still needed to pay for a normal ticket though.
Yea, Katsu is an expensive-ass con all around
If the hotel doesn't leech the money out of your wallet, the con, or restaurants do
Pretty much - though Katsu is more expensive for me than Otakon, which is weird.
But given its new location, I don't mind.
oh man Crispin Freeman is gonna be there
Welp, I think I just a bunch of people I know really jealous that I'm seeing him XD
steve blum? whoaaaa enjoy that line