2Friends 6Fans
female Richmond, MI, United States
Junior in high school
Boys make me nervous
Learn to love me
kristimargaret is
14 years ago 1
gay :-D
kristimargaret is
15 years ago
dying (sp?)her hair
kristimargaret is
15 years ago
highly done with internet. Not going on like ever again. fuck 2009.
kristimargaret says
15 years ago
I'm through with the rules to someone elses games. Too late for second chances.
kristimargaret hates
15 years ago
kristimargaret asks
15 years ago
kusst mir bitte?
15 years ago
Make me feel special even when I know I'm not
kristimargaret thinks
15 years ago
At best but with Kathy!!!! Wooo half day!
kristimargaret thinks
15 years ago
Who will save us? This can't go on
kristimargaret says
15 years ago
I know my hearts been broke but the pieces are still there