109Friends 33Fans
female Isabel, Philippines
..iM not in a huRry oF lovinG

agaiN...bT iM thirSty oF bEinG

loVed bY sOmeoNe wHo'll nEveR

goNna maKe mE feeL thE pAin i

hAd iN mY paSt...

To forget thee PAST:
-stop the communication
-throw every piece of memory
-delete stupid pict
11 years ago
Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have. :-D
11 years ago
Learn to appreciate what you have, before time forces you to appreciate what you had. ##tsk. ;-)
11 years ago
I'm not pretending to be anyone. You're just jealous that I'm someone and you're no one.
11 years ago
You hate your life, while some people dream of your life.
11 years ago
Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Speak well of those who curse you. -Luke 6:27-28 ;-)
11 years ago
I don't care who was BEFORE ME as long as i know there's nobody DURING ME. ;-)) choss.
11 years ago 1
Stop thinking that you're not thin enough, smart enough, or successful enough. You are more than enough, just the way you are. ;-))
11 years ago 2
Those who try to do something and FAIL, are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and SUCCEED. :'>
11 years ago 1
You'll never be happy when you constantly live your life trying to please other people.
12 years ago 1
i miss you 07