65Friends 87Fans
female Charleston, SC, United States
I'm really into the fiber arts such as spinning, knitting and crochet.

kraftie says
15 years ago 1
it's almost 10:30... I think I have food poisoning from Panera tonight... I'm going to bed... night! :-D
kraftie is
15 years ago
such a bad bad plurker....
kraftie is
15 years ago
home from knitting night... I loves my knitting group. Shame they only meet every OTHER week. :-(
kraftie is
15 years ago 4
waaaaaaaaay too excited about this Unique Sheep KAL thing.. and it doesn't start for AWHILE. haha.
kraftie is
15 years ago 1
watching her BF assemble a desk he bought... and it's quite entertaining...
kraftie is
15 years ago
looking at fiber again on ebay... oooo dear.
kraftie says
15 years ago 2
I went to the outlet mall today... got two pairs of dress pants and a jacket to wear while exercising for $34. :-D
kraftie says
15 years ago 4
kraftie has
15 years ago 4
a lightbulb burnt out... you ask why this is plurk worthy? I replaced this lightbulb not 5 days ago!!! What's wrong here? I dunno?
kraftie needs
15 years ago 2
sleep... hate being sick.. :-(