🦴 ʙᴏɴᴇ ᴅᴀᴅᴅʏ
128Friends 5Fans
male caprica
min. tosa trio love bot.

[ muselist ]

arthas menethil ×
july plotting + tagplurk https://images.plurk.com/CVmuDWOZMtZuEh0L6hru7.png
kicks down the door i just had the dumbest argument about star wars
pre-patch day!!!
job interview on monday yaaaaaay
[ meme ] https://images.plurk.com/xVdB5NZRZDQAeLzFP2nBv.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3vcuidbfsxnm2zoSN7KV34.jpg jfc lmao
five songs i'm listening to a lot lately...
i promise i'm coming for y'all i just need the world to fuckin chill lmao
https://images.plurk.com/4jqDojbEAchX6euR9MGCmB.png BLESSED BY DESTINY
opened my eyes at 9:30am to argue about blood magic