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male Taiwan
A boring engineer obsessed with gadgets. 阿一的阿爸
10 years ago 1
freedom says
12 years ago 1
十二月號的 IEEE Computer 讀著讀著讀到 pp. 110-115, 這六頁都是 Apple 的徵人廣告
freedom says
12 years ago 2
create a Google+ community
freedom says
12 years ago
learnable programming,
freedom says
12 years ago
空檔時間還可以去 UDS, 在 Canonical 台灣的朋友有人會去這次的 UDS 嗎
freedom says
12 years ago
The company that spooked the world!
freedom says
12 years ago
英國計程車司機好厲害, 問說我們從哪裡來我說台灣他說知道 HTC, 跟他說我們作 mobile phone chipset 後就開始講他對 mobile industry 的觀察, 還講到 Psion (Symbian 的前身)去了
freedom says
12 years ago 1
Van Jacobson is definitely a hero for guys did some TCP research such as me :-)