211Friends 50Fans
female Melbourne, Australia
I am a 40 something mum of 2, who is an obsessed knitter who could knit all day long! I have a website called Knitter Sue (Knitter Sue) which is a bit about my family life and my knitting!
snooks says
10 years ago 3
good morning! It is going to be a beautiful day here today, another lovely autumn day.
snooks says
10 years ago 6
starting to feel a bit better after my hospital stay on Thursday night. Had to have a blood transfusion as my haemoglobin went really low and they were worried I would collapse.
snooks says
10 years ago 2
happy easter to all my family and friends
snooks says
10 years ago
spring cleaning feels good even though it is autumn. 9 garbage bags off to the op shop and the linen cupboard is a lot neater!
snooks says
10 years ago 2
loving all the rain but not the millipede infestation, they are all over the verandah and the driveway in hundreds and some have come inside.
snooks says
10 years ago
it is now midnight and I am wide awake after going to bed at 7:30 when I wasnt feeling well. Much better now so maybe a few rows of knitting will help
snooks says
10 years ago 2
what a long day. My daughter's team lost the grand final but it was still great to see them compete in it. At least tomorrow we get an extra hour's sleep when we wind the clocks back before netball again.
snooks says
10 years ago 3
a chilly good morning to you all!
snooks says
10 years ago 2
good morning. I just ate breakfast and all I can hear is my tummy growling. Grey and overcast here today so it may be a day inside knitting
snooks says
10 years ago 3
enjoying some peace and quiet after a 2 hr nap