41Friends 10Fans
female Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Knitter. Grad Student. New-wife, Long-time kitty mommy. Katiejo on Ravelry
KnitswBenefits shares
11 years ago 2
something exciting happened last night, and I blogged about it!
KnitswBenefits says
11 years ago
Apparently someone wants to make sure we dont forget him in the move!?
KnitswBenefits shares
11 years ago
I blogged today. phew. It's been a while
KnitswBenefits asks
12 years ago 4
what knitting would you take if you were going to spend 2 months this summer in Central Asia? (i.e. No yarn to purchase)
KnitswBenefits shares
12 years ago 1
My angry cat this morning... I tried to prevent the too-rough playing. Http://
KnitswBenefits thinks
12 years ago
Walking through ice & snow to the LYS is very much like going to the grocery store on an empty stomach.
KnitswBenefits shares
12 years ago
I blogged!
KnitswBenefits says
12 years ago guy is helping me write this paper that i really dont want to write!
KnitswBenefits is
12 years ago
in the throes of the end of the semester crunch time. So of course I must Cast On All The Things.
KnitswBenefits shares
12 years ago I've been knitting! and I blogged about it!