131Friends 36Fans
female Mansfield, TX, United States
I am a stay at home mum to 5 kids. Married to my best friend. Our two oldest are away at college. I'm a knitter, crocheter, quilter. Our oldest daughters and I have started a video podcast to keep in touch. knitalittle-3stitches.blogspot.c
knitalittle says
10 years ago 6
Our youngest daughter caught a summer cold. It is going to go from person to person to person. Yep it is summer. Going to make a nice cup of tea for little one and then tuck her back into bed.
knitalittle says
10 years ago 8
knitalittle says
10 years ago 5
Morning. We turn in the keys to our rental today. I'm going to have one more look and give it a little more love. It was a good house I need to leave it well loved.
knitalittle says
10 years ago 12
knitalittle says
10 years ago 10
knitalittle says
10 years ago 7
morning. It is raining so nicely here. Sad that I have to wait a little while longer to finish cleaning the rental. Oh well we need the rain and I don't think it will rain all day.
knitalittle says
10 years ago 7
knitalittle says
10 years ago 8
knitalittle says
10 years ago 4
Back at the old house to clean and surf on the internet. Will be glad when we have internet at the new house. Moving has slowed down because hubby has the truck for work. Always find something to do
knitalittle says
10 years ago 13
Morning. Another day of packing and moving. The weather is going to be hot hot hot and muggy just the kind of day I like to move in.....not. Stay cool everyone.