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female Barnesville, United States
5 years ago
(typing on a kindle touch is hard ok ?) also i will move on from my past and head towards the future. i dont care if im called a man anymore i do look lik a guy lol
5 years ago
Cant wait for next year when i officially go to college and have those two jobs,a social life,and no need to hang out with neet losers anymore! its goimg to be great making fun of trolls :-)
kmenges30 likes
5 years ago
watching serial experiments lain for te fourth/fifth time? i really enjoy this anime its oneof my favorites
kmenges30 shares
5 years ago
great time at bible study today! it always pays to try something new!
5 years ago
So....never take what you have for granted. Ever. i cant wait until 2020!
5 years ago
This is the only social media i have rn. this is nuts. i cant believe i can plurk on my kindle touch!
5 years ago
I gotta start to not be afraid to be myself. people who bullied me in the past are gone I don't need to take their place for them. its kinda silly. I honestly just want to live a happy life with my boyfriend/future husband and move on. I'm just content being me ATM.
5 years ago
I wish I wasn't condemned for doing everything a third of America is guilty of doing 😒so what if I want an iPad? And am possibly going to keep this phone until it dies naturally in 6 years? I know this is very first world problem of me but damn this is stupid
5 years ago
That rocko Netflix special looks interesting I don't understand why people are upset over one character changing ever so slightly.
5 years ago
so fucking not excited about the new Samsung phone as much as I am with the tablet. galaxy 10 5G note plus...we're really there now huh? I have tiny meerkat hands. I like my phones size and being able to have money for other things. In the world of massive ass phones,I'm content with my small one,even though it does weird things sometimes.