Jesus daughter
33Friends 28Fans
female Bekaseh, Indonesia
I ♥ Jesus :-))
I ♥ my family :-)
I ♥ my friends :-D
J.O.Y ♥ ;-)
~Thank you God (dance)
God bless us
Jesus daughter
3 months ago
Jesus daughter
8 months ago
Aaaaaaa i want to squeeze his face (app-shock)
Jesus daughter
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
Yesterday i saw a video about his ex telling (some) reason of their split, and i shocked.. to the bone. Because that reason is the same reason why i left my last ex for good. So, for now i decide to meet him (if he ask) for the last time and i will ask again the other reason of their split to see if he lie or covering something. Wait... why give him chance??
Jesus daughter feels
1 years ago
Jesus daughter says
1 years ago
actually before he wa me for the 2nd time i think i will reply him late night before i go to sleep orrr the next day in the morning. But when i ibadah onlen i got ridho to "treat others the way you want to be treated" so after the ibadah onlen i santaily reply his wa and he immediately reply the wa and so we wa an smp now...
Jesus daughter says
1 years ago
... he replied my last wa in the middle of the night (so it's already sundae) thennn i want to ngambek but i think "who am i? we're just friend (that act like couple sometimes), i don't have any right to ngambek about that" but still i don't want to reply his wa just yet. After a few hours he wa me again! asking about the book that he lent. (panjang gpp yaa)
Jesus daughter says
1 years ago
its time for me to curhat again (p-wave) soooo few days back he's sempet maraju for 2 days guys -_- wkwk and then i decide to ask him the reason & it's because a wa sticker that jokes about his ethnic. I already apologize before via wa and i apologize again that night and the night ends good (for me). The next day he's not wa me for a whole day! (to be cont)
Jesus daughter thinks
1 years ago
Jesus daughter
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
i hate my good conscious -_- kan jadi gak pulang bareng :-(
Jesus daughter
1 years ago
me: i like you
him: finally! so i have this huge red flag...
me: ......................................