321Friends 106Fans
female Second Life, Second Life, United States
I have been in SL since 2006.
2 years ago 3
Just got home, now I am in SL, 13 minutes in SL time! woohoo https://gyazo.com/...
2 years ago 3
I am out for NYE. My granpupper dogger is protesting. My daughter said he was under my desk and would not leave my office https://images.plurk.com/4BtOJC6c6P06IjFX6JYAwI.jpg
2 years ago 7
aliciachenaux if you did get a tattoo, What would you get? I would get a seahorse, but I am too chicken. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/aa/69/c8/aa69c860941e3e023156a1a18792c52b.jpg
2 years ago
Happy New Year! Blogged Happy New Year 2022 Happy New Year 2022
2 years ago 13
Lel EVOX question. I have a neck seam bad with this head. I am wearing the right body/head combo. I have a seam with all of my skins for this head. I tried the Izzie's neck fixer and that does not even fix it.
2 years ago 14
Lelutka EVOX question, I have Evo button pushed and a regular Evo skin on, works fine. I tried putting some Evo makeup on and nothing. It won't apply on my EVOX head. So you can use the skins but not the applier makeup?
2 years ago 1
Playing with GLITTER https://gyazo.com/...
2 years ago 26
Cheater for Shop and Hop Freebies
2 years ago 12
What is explore in flickr? It seems like flickr official invited my picture, but maybe not? Also its a dominant female subby male picture they invited, so funny to me. in explore this invited my picture Flickr is that flickr official?
2 years ago 3
Before the great divide with the vaccine and the (to me) unthinkable reaction to it by so many, I would have thought this was parody, but now, I think if a planet killing comet was coming, it would go down exactly like "Don't Look Up" on Netflix and that is terrifying! https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjZjNDE1NTYtYTgwZS00M2VmLWEyODktM2FlNjhiYTk3OGU2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEyMjM2NDc2._V1_.jpg