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male Gibraltar
I Luv Paul The Octopus...

Final bet: Oracle Paul the Octopus picks Spain over Netherlands to win World Cup
the bunny hump
SINTA AND JOJO KEONG RACUN ( mrd3lo ).flv.3gp
CJ Dippa, 11 ~ Americas Got Talent 2010, auditions Dallas
HiBa says
14 years ago
happy new year 2011 to all of you - may new year bring new hope and new spirit God Bless You
HiBa says
14 years ago
kantor dah sepi banget, nunggu teman2 pulang sholat abis tu pulang dah....
HiBa says
14 years ago 1
wishing u all happy new year guys....hope ur coming year will bring more happiness and prosperous - GBU'all
HiBa says
14 years ago
habis manggang2 dirumah, kenyang, ngantuk
HiBa says
14 years ago 3
all i want for this new year is COMING HOME, i missed u beib...
HiBa says
14 years ago 5
sedih banget tuh wajah2 pemain TimNas...ndak apa2 sobat, sedihlah kemarin dan hari ini tapi tetap tatap kedepan utk hasil yg lebih baik...
HiBa says
14 years ago
pupursi (code), manen (code), masak (code), nernak (code)
HiBa says
14 years ago 2
laper bangets, yg disebelah belum ngeluarin bekalnya nih...akuh maluh kaluh nanyah - habis tiap hari akuh bertanyah hehehe
HiBa says
14 years ago 15
can't sleep coz heavy rain...i have a bad experience with heavy rain...my head so "seven around" today ...arrgghhh
HiBa says
14 years ago
gud morning morning jakarta, gud morning indonesia, no matter what garuda didadaku M.U.S.T WIN!! go buddy