3Friends 0Fans
dii says
14 years ago
goodnight peepos.!
dii says
14 years ago
needa sleep early
dii says
14 years ago
tmrw's plan sucks. D: haiyak !
dii hopes
14 years ago
okk is alright D:
dii wants
14 years ago
to thank rina,dahlya,nurul,eli,syahirah and olivia. thank you for being there to listen to my stories. thank you dears! <3
dii says
14 years ago
sushi and other japanese food party this saturday ! yaay :-D cannot wait
dii says
14 years ago
juniors are starting to show disrepect towards me. D: stupid ! grrrr
14 years ago
try to put up a fake smile altho it hurts alot
dii wonders
14 years ago
if ive really heal the bleeding wound D:
dii says
14 years ago
i really wished to brush you off my mind