1Friends 10Fans
male sta.maria, Philippines
let me think first..:-)

jUst judGe me iN pErson..:-)
its dificult to judge myself..
kevztot thinks
15 years ago
If there's one thing im good at; It's pretending that everything's ok..:-(
kevztot wishes
15 years ago
hahahahahaha,,.... di ako sanay mag plurk..>:-) X-(
kevztot wishes
15 years ago
stay my baby..^^.. till now and forever stay my baby..^^
kevztot wishes
15 years ago
i will be you the eNd of my life..T.t.. haha
kevztot is
15 years ago
hahaha..^^ 0.00 ulit karma ko..^^ w0w.^^ nakapaglogin pa ako..^^ ingats keO guys..^^ (LOL)
kevztot is
15 years ago
blah blah blah blah.. (LOL)
kevztot is
15 years ago
huhu haha..^^.. (LOL)
kevztot is
15 years ago
invite nyo ko..^^...para plenty ako frens..^^ (LOL)
kevztot is
15 years ago
blah blah blah!!..^^ :-P
kevztot is
15 years ago
handle my heart with care.. :-(