13Friends 0Fans
male Brisbane, Australia
Do not forget strictness take precautions to pioneer the way.
kevinwu927 shares
14 years ago
Lecture 1 - KXB101 - Introduction to Entertainment
kevinwu927 says
14 years ago
Five Stages of Dying, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.
kevinwu927 says
14 years ago
Bloody hell~ Everything is gonna be fine^^
kevinwu927 says
14 years ago 7
天啊~ Aussie Channel7 新聞竟然在講 台灣的星光大道 林育X 唱"I always love you". 有這麼好聽到澳洲新聞也在講喔?!
kevinwu927 says
14 years ago
Damned if you do, damned if you don't
kevinwu927 says
14 years ago
"Do not forget strictness take precautions to pioneer the way."
kevinwu927 says
14 years ago 2
You have your work horses and you have your show horses. The disgusting personality is that so.
kevinwu927 says
14 years ago
呵~ 出國的感覺就是 輸韓國其實也沒甚麼稀奇了~ 韓國人被欺負 一群韓國人圍上去~ 台灣人被欺負 一群哈韓哈日哈中的只會在旁邊說風涼話 台灣人都不挺台灣人了~ 無奈~
kevinwu927 shares
14 years ago 3
Write in Taiwanese - US Census 2010 [PSA Full Version]
kevinwu927 shares
14 years ago 2
Done my Project, start my Travelling~^_^~