Listen to a song, check on calender, all in a sudden realize that's almost 3 yrs ago.. think of then, look at now, feel like... another life
作晚看了彭秀慧 <29+1> 的舞台劇,很值得一看。但同是也發現,自己對于 <29+1> 的共鳴似乎越來越淡,是因為我己離開 <29+1> 越來越遠了嗎? 真擔心,很快就要看 <39+1> 了…
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今天晚上終于要回家了, 發現自己越來越享受短暫離家的生活...但想一想,香港的家其實也只是"長期離家"的一部份,哈哈...
Feel great, finally, after all these days and days...
I strongly believe, 2012 is the end of everything...
work late tonight...
I'm tired. Leave me alone.