WHAT? Have you never heard of *ME*? - You're in DEEP SHIT, you DON'T KNOW WHO I AM!!!! - And you're absolutely right, I guess I don't really know either.
I answer to many names, but people generally call me Kei, so please, use that.
"I know, I thought I could make some adjustments too, but I am a blogger, I must show the product as it is" "Make an artistic version of the picture then." "I have no time for it" - That disturbed me so deeply... I can't even explain.
Hello, unsurprisingly enough I'm Kei Kojishi, in SL since the far away September 2006. I am a mediocre photographer, and a professional slacker. I like to act as if I was exceptionally sarcastic and very, very deep, but I really am kind of a goofy, friendly idiot, unless I'm annoyed.
What do you miss most of SL? Well I miss the times when SL was a place for creative people, not an extension for having your ego trip moment when you can't on Instagram.
No atmosphere or graphic trick could ever fill the void some avatars communicate. They're like dolls without a soul, just built to satisfy some sick frustrated form of narcissism. So boring to see.