28Friends 8Fans
male Milan, Italy
WHAT? Have you never heard of *ME*? - You're in DEEP SHIT, you DON'T KNOW WHO I AM!!!! - And you're absolutely right, I guess I don't really know either.

I answer to many names, but people generally call me Kei, so please, use that.
6 years ago 5
The person who lives with me hums while listening to music in her earbuds, but her "singing" sounds like a zombie, it's so weird and funny
6 years ago 10
"I know, I thought I could make some adjustments too, but I am a blogger, I must show the product as it is" "Make an artistic version of the picture then." "I have no time for it" - That disturbed me so deeply... I can't even explain.
7 years ago 1 @Edit 7 years ago
Johnny Weir - Poker Face whose soul should I buy in order to have his bodysuit for slink male?
7 years ago 4
Discarded, but still nice untouched snapshot for my last flickr photo:
7 years ago 18
Hello, unsurprisingly enough I'm Kei Kojishi, in SL since the far away September 2006. I am a mediocre photographer, and a professional slacker. I like to act as if I was exceptionally sarcastic and very, very deep, but I really am kind of a goofy, friendly idiot, unless I'm annoyed.
7 years ago 34
What do you miss most of SL? Well I miss the times when SL was a place for creative people, not an extension for having your ego trip moment when you can't on Instagram.
7 years ago 3
No atmosphere or graphic trick could ever fill the void some avatars communicate. They're like dolls without a soul, just built to satisfy some sick frustrated form of narcissism. So boring to see.
7 years ago 4
Then and now! PS vs PNS -
It was 10 years ago!