I miss my true friends, I still have around some, but I miss the days when every little silly thing we used to make actually felt like doing something together, having fun, talking to something real in its own, crazy way.
I miss the moments when fashionable avatars actually used to wear A LOT OF THINGS, and it was not "the less -> the better, let's all be SEXY WOW IT'S SO ORIGINAL". - no it's not.
I miss the times when being Neko was the most annoying trend around. Then there were... elf ears! -- But never anything realistic, why is the new annoying trend being realistic?
I miss the times when photography was creating something like a piece of art, not fighting for who makes the most empty sensual random shot with the most client effects avaiable.
I miss the times when "bloggers" weren't even a thing.
Nobody really cares about what you wear anyway. And if someone cares is just to copy. And if someone keeps copying what other people wear, they conform. And if you conform you just contribute to the general boredom.
I miss the times when social sims weren't split in 39553909852 little groups of empty spaces with a single "leader" without wich nobody really feels like doing anything.
I miss the times when voice, and its aggressive groups of haters or lovers for "knowing who you are" or other bullshit reasons, wasn't even a thing.
I miss the times when beauty contests were mostly jokes everyone laughted at.
Or got random prizes for and just teleported away without any consequence, good or bad.
I miss the huge goh-punk-jrock community raging in clothes brands, hairstyles and general fashion.
And no, we're not ever close to that. Black casual =/= goth.
Black sex clothes =/= goth
miss the times when someone asked more than 1000 lindens for a snapshot and everyone simply had a nice laugh.
I miss the times where everyone wasn't just an alt of somebody who couldn't manage to get his first attempt at second life together.
Or the second. Or the third. Or well, they never really got their shit together.
I miss artistic places. There is a bunch of them, still not enough.
I miss people who didn't want a home just to create some kind of space to fuck, but where they used to apply their personal taste and feelings, trying to make something worth visiting.
I could go on for years. 11 years went by and I feel like I spent too much time on this virtual world. I kind of feel like a ever-lamenting ghost.
quoting everything. pictures as well. lol I recognize all of them (and me I was so beautiful back then xdxd hahha) but expecially Alpha Point. That sim was something unique, I've never seen anything like that, not anymore.
You ARE an ever-lamenting ghost, tho.