KC Kern
1Friends 4Fans
male Provo, UT, United States
I am a college student, but will soon be graduating.
KC Kern is
9 years ago
thing thing still on?
KC Kern wonders
11 years ago
when the last time I logged in to this thing was...
KC Kern says
13 years ago
My theory for the dying birds and fish: Geomagnetic reversal is happening early: ping.fm/OK5dD
KC Kern was
13 years ago
excited for an apple smoothie until I remembered (too late( that blending apples just makes apple sauce. #cookingFail
KC Kern says
13 years ago
What a great day to be a bandwagon SF Giants fan!
KC Kern says
13 years ago
Time to restore some sanity!
KC Kern says
13 years ago
Good Morning Baltimore!
KC Kern says
13 years ago
KC Kern is
13 years ago
spending this week in Dallas...
KC Kern says
13 years ago
final week in Seattle...