393Friends 318Fans
female San Antonio, TX, United States
Co-host of 'Classroom 2.0 LIVE!' on Sat. 11am CST; 20+ years in education, national board cert. tchr, DEN STAR educator, TX DEN Leadership Council, FableVision Ambassador, conference presenter
kimcaise shares
11 years ago
Join us on #liveclass20 at 12pm EST as we celebrate the beginning of our 6th year with a tech tool smackdown!
kimcaise shares
11 years ago
Join me for a design thinking process webinar w/ ChristianLong 7pm EST
kimcaise shares
11 years ago
Join us on #liveclass20 in 10 minutes for Adam Bellow sharing EduClipper and EduTecher - there is an app for that!
kimcaise shares
11 years ago
please join us right now for #liveclass20 Inspiring Middle School Literacy w/ Carolyn Jacobs lots of info to share!
kimcaise shares
11 years ago 2
anyone recall what NECC stood for? National Educator........?
kimcaise shares
11 years ago
!tTWThanks for nominating #liveclass20! Voting is now open for Edublog Awards-'Best Open PD/ Webinar/Unconference Series
kimcaise shares
11 years ago
I am getting almost $70 back fro Ebates this year - thanks to stacykasse for reminding me about ebates! - Sign up with Ebates and you can too!
kimcaise shares
11 years ago 4
Could you take a few moments to help us come up with a new domain/company name?
kimcaise shares
11 years ago 1
not too late to join us on #liveclass20 talking about summer of making and connecting - Classroom 2.0 LIVE -