Saya sangat sangat cintai awak sehinggakan tiada ayat yang dapat gambarkan ia...
I'm in love and I'm terrified
For the first time in the last time in my only life....
i dislike fighting. it drains a lot of precious time and energy that you could have spent on something else positively productive.. ;(
..If you think you can endure through it
Then pour all your soul trusting it.. ayoko umasa pero... ang sarap umasa. :')
okay first and last for today...
is it possible? to have a future with you...i mean.. haish..
you know what i mean. but its still too... :s
sings... "am i supposed to be happy, when all i ever wanted it comes with a price..." </3
haish. i am studying again. haha language is a complicated thing.
i have loved you for a thousand years..
i will love you for a thousand more...
My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note...
rindu awak cintaku.. ;( tis been a relaly long week.