k a t e
34Friends 48Fans
female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Have you seen a cat holding a camera &ask u pose?
let me a mutated Felis Catus (mutated cat with evil mind with human soul) to tell you this :what's wrong with a little honest revenge once in a while?
Just MEOW~!
k a t e says
13 years ago
k a t e says
13 years ago
我的新年美美鞋子! https://images.plurk.com/4113006_ebafc2c510b8fb172352690a839fd898.jpg
k a t e says
13 years ago
happy,new year!
k a t e says
13 years ago
k a t e says
13 years ago
k a t e says
13 years ago
today got singapore colleague come to my place
k a t e says
13 years ago 1
(sick) 不够睡,很累很累
k a t e says
13 years ago
今天和达一起上班,午餐, 感觉真好 (K)
k a t e says
13 years ago
k a t e is
13 years ago
在 hokaido ichiba 前排队